Which features/facilities
are more interesting to you? Why?
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e-learning activity with attending physical EIR classes in TP.
i learnt many things in the site visit where i could not hav learnt in regular class in tp.i learnt more in depth about the Next Gen NBN, IPTV and Cloud Computing. I've learnt that the Next Gen NBN is a wired network which can provide users with a broadband speed of up to 1Gbps.
i also learnt more about the features of an IPTV and its benefits. IPTV provides many services on the television which is connected to the internet and by only using the remote, we get to access to the many services conveniently.
describe ONE ethical issue covered in EIR lecture notes 11 & 12
-user concern
-lack of security can lead to damage ,theft and lack of confidence.
-new services must be tested for security flaws.
-use of password is very important
on how this ethical issue can be applied to the exhibits that you see, hear and
experience at iExperience. Use examples from iExperience to explain.
how the issues can be handled and what can be done in future
iexperience has managed to come up with next gen nbn that can solve many of the ethical issues in lecture 11 and 12.
The Next Gen NBN will reinforce the status of Singapore as an info-communications hub and open new doors to economic opportunities, business growth and social vibrancy. It is envisioned that this will eventually provide a nationwide ultra-high speed broadband access of 1Gbps and more, to all physical addresses including homes, schools, government buildings, businesses and hospitals. At the start of its operations, the network is expected to offer users a broadband speed of up to 1 Gbps.
By end-2010, 60 per cent of homes and offices can expect to have access to this new, ultra high-speed, all-fibre network. The network coverage is expected to reach 95 per cent by mid-2012. In the near future, there will be a wide range of services riding on Next Gen NBN, which will empower business users, home users, schools and learning institutions.
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